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    Knightsbridge Office

    Studio 718,
    4 Montpelier Street,
    Knightsbridge, London SW7 1EE
    Phone: 020 3573 3420

    Company information

    Company: Carewise 24/7 Limited

    Office Addresses:

    • (Central London Office): Studio 718, 4 Montpelier Street, SW7 1EE Direct Dial: 020 3573 3420
    • (North London Office): Suite 10-11, 1 Golders Green Road, London, NW11 8DY Direct Dial: 020 3573 3420


    Carewise24/7 Limited is registered in England and Wales and trades as Nanny and Housekeeper

    Company number 9812846.

    Registered address:  Lawford House, Albert Place, London N3 1QA

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